Welcome to the one place where EMAC is Whack!

"Attack of the EMAC" is Kevin Sharpe's class blog for EMAC 6300: Introduction to the Study of Emerging Media and Communications at the University of Texas, Dallas. He is an educational marketing manager and runs the Newspaper in Education program at The Dallas Morning News.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Convergence Culture LOST on the Journey


  1. Great job Kevin! Your video illustration is a great example of convergence culture. By using various online methods, Lost fans were able to engage with the characters of the show and each other, creating an authentic transmedia experience. This was a fantastic use of using an alternate reality gaming method that successfully doubled as a great marketing project.

  2. The video does a good job of demonstrating that LOST is a transmedia text. While the video is very well done, I am left with a few questions:

    1. Is there a qualitative difference between the transmedia elements created by the fans, and those created by LOST's producers? Not in terms of quality of content, per se, but in terms of the type of work done by these different texts?
    2. Is a work like LOST designed from the beginning to be engaged with by a collective? There are so many cultural, historical, and mythological references - is the collective imperative to understanding it all? What are the implications of this?
    3. What was making the golden light in that darned cave?
